Beware of this thief / Cuidado con este ladrĂ³n! I was accosted by a thief! I tried to give him what he wanted and he wanted more. He wanted it all! I gave him a treat and he wanted it all. He went for the treat pouch. Grabbing the pouch and my shirt and […]
Easter Robber In Orange
Sleeping soundly at 3 am with visions of jelly beans in my head (I don’t have any jelly beans but a can at least dream of them). I hear yelling outside. I ignore it. Then more yelling. So I rise from my bed to see what was the matter. I peek out the window. *Important […]
Colmado Thieves Caught
I was just getting ready to go and make some lunch when all this yelling and police sirens came up into my abode from the street. There were at least 6 motorbikes with police and at least 5 police vehicles speeding down the road. Every police person in the area was standing in the street […]
Views From My Balcony – Grabber’s Necklace Stealing Headache
A helmet wearing motorcycle riderHeading the wrong wayDown a one way streetThis day made a huge mistakeAs he looked to prayOn an innocent victimA sparkling necklaceCaught his treasure seeking eyeHe made the grabForcefully removing a necklaceFrom the unsuspecting woman walking byMuch to his amazementSomeone gave him a shoveDown went Mr. Grabber Onto the black rough […]
Camera Stolen
No more new pictures for a while. My camera is gone and have to save up my centavos to get another so it may be a while before I have new pictures. I was at the Puerta de la Misericordia taking pictures Saturday evening during the big street party for Lionel winning the presidency again. […]
The Christmas Thief
>I haven’t written a story for a while. I have been working hard on the web site just incase I get to return to DR soon. I won’t be able to work on the web site for a while when I return until I get a place to stay and all the internet connected. So […]