I know. I have been a very bad girl not posting stories on my blog. I will try really hard to remedy the situation really soon. Until then here are a few pictures of Buenagente, Inteliperra and I sitting on the stairs taken by a good friend, Frank, when he was here visiting.
My COVID-19 Masked Faces

Life in the Time of COVID-19 is not an easy existence. Not only do we have to follow all sorts of rules and curfews we have to wear masks. Some masks are all pretty with flowers and some have teeth showing faces on their masks. I have the plain old mask that the Plan Social […]
A Few Pics 10-2019

I haven’t written much of anything for a while. Not much exciting is happening but I figure that at least I should add a few pictures. My much-loved kids, The Dominican Dog Blog dogs, Buenagente, Inteliperra and their momma, that’s ME. Buenagente and Inteliperra like to sit on the balcony bench I made for them. […]
Selfies With Teli & Buena

I don’t really get into taking selfies but sometimes one just has to do it. I do not do the kissy face but I’m thinking that I should try it and just take one so I don’t feel too left out. I figured that I should take a few with my kids, Inteliperra and Buenagente […]
My Favorite Trees Both Old and New
When I lived in USA I had a comfort tree that just touched my heart. I met the tree when my dog, Sniffy, and I went camping. I just filled my backpack with essentials, packed a cooler, and my dog and I were off to the Freedom Falls area of Rockland, PA. I needed to […]