How can humans be so cruel!? It just amazes and disgusts me. A puppy, innocent and sweet enduring such cruel treatment. This morning walking on one of the paths at the Faro a Colón (Columbus Lighthouse) the dogs were looking down a steep wall into the grass. There was a dog down there. I threw […]
Buenagente Follows
Today I had to run out to the Pharmacy to get antibiotics for Buenagente because he is supposed to get his teeth operated on Saturday. I left him outside because I had already left him and Teli in the house when I had to go out a little earlier and I still do not trust […]
Scarf Attack
Teli and I were in bed I was on the Kindle and she was dozing off next to me. We were all calm, comfy and cozy. All of a sudden she started growling while looking towards the door. Her hair was standing up on her back. The growl got bigger as Teli jumped to her […]
Run Down on the Beach
I woke up a little late this morning so I could not take Teli out to her normal run-around place. I decided to take the advice of the morning dog group and visit the beach behind Montecion near the port this morning for a change in the morning romp. Teli really does not like change […]
Teli Greeting Me
I went out to get some fruit across the street. I left the apartment door open but did lock the gate. I wanted to see what Teli would do with the door open and being alone. I was only gone at the most 5 minutes. When I to the second floor I could hear her. […]
Mango Time!
It is mango season here in Dominican Republic. I have been watching the trees in the park laden with mangoes. A soft green color just waiting for them to ripen. It finally happened. They are ready for pickin’ and eatin’. Oh yeah! I cannot reach the trees from the park. All the mangoes fall into […]