I know. I have been a very bad girl not posting stories on my blog. I will try really hard to remedy the situation really soon. Until then here are a few pictures of Buenagente, Inteliperra and I sitting on the stairs taken by a good friend, Frank, when he was here visiting.
Author: rdgringa
Accosted By a Thief!
Beware of this thief / Cuidado con este ladrón! I was accosted by a thief! I tried to give him what he wanted and he wanted more. He wanted it all! I gave him a treat and he wanted it all. He went for the treat pouch. Grabbing the pouch and my shirt and […]
Saving A Pitirre From Drowning
This morning on our walkabout with Buenagente and Inteliperra we walked down to the Dirección General de Dragas, Presas y Balizamiento de la Armada de República Dominicana at Puerto San Souci to look at Rio Ozama. We never thought we would be rescuing a baby Grey Kingbird, also known as a Pitirre. I usually call […]
Oh Yummy, Zapote Batida
I love Zapote, especially made into a thick, sweet and cold beverage called batida here in DR. Zapote is one of my favorite fruits for making a beverage. It’s more or less equal Zapote and/or Bananas. Bananas and/or Zapote. Both are my favorite ingredients in batida. Batida is a blender-made beverage using different fruits. The […]
Sunday Walkabout To The Palacio Nacional
Sunday Walkabout To The Palacio Nacional When we were getting ready to head out for Sunday walkabout I told Buenagente and Inteliperrs that we had to go to Barrio Chino because I needed to get some chili peppers to make hot sauce. That’s the only plan I had for the walk. We ended up walking […]
Watermelon The Ultimate Fruit
Watermelon Is The Ultimate Fruit My favorite fruit is Watermelon (the kind with seeds are my favorite), known as Sandia in Dominican Republic. There is nothing like it in my non-humble opinion. I don’t care about how nutritional it is. I don’t care that its low calorie. I don’t care that it provides hydration. […]