I know. I have been a very bad girl not posting stories on my blog. I will try really hard to remedy the situation really soon. Until then here are a few pictures of Buenagente, Inteliperra and I sitting on the stairs taken by a good friend, Frank, when he was here visiting.
Saving A Pitirre From Drowning

This morning on our walkabout with Buenagente and Inteliperra we walked down to the Dirección General de Dragas, Presas y Balizamiento de la Armada de República Dominicana at Puerto San Souci to look at Rio Ozama. We never thought we would be rescuing a baby Grey Kingbird, also known as a Pitirre. I usually call […]
Sunday Walkabout To The Palacio Nacional

Sunday Walkabout To The Palacio Nacional When we were getting ready to head out for Sunday walkabout I told Buenagente and Inteliperrs that we had to go to Barrio Chino because I needed to get some chili peppers to make hot sauce. That’s the only plan I had for the walk. We ended up walking […]
Crawling Thing Under Bed Dream
I had a strange dream last night. There was some type of dark squirming and very large creature under my bed. I woke up as the furnace kicked on. It was the first time for the season and I could smell the furnace heat smell. (note – there was no furnace running, only the fan. […]
Trying Out Exercise Machines
I decided to try one of these exercise machines out at the Parque La Francia (Villa Duarte, Santo Domingo Este) this morning. I pass by and see others using these machines all the time. They looked easy enough so I decided to give this one, the farthest away from the other humans exercising, a shot. […]
Morning Walk With My Kids

Todays Morning Walk-About – Villa Duarte, Santo Domingo Este. Faro a Colón, Simonico, La Francia and back to Los Molinos. I know, my kids and I walk every morning. We try to walk different routes each day to keep it new and interesting. But there are just so many roads to take. The dogs seem […]