I decided to try one of these exercise machines out at the Parque La Francia (Villa Duarte, Santo Domingo Este) this morning. I pass by and see others using these machines all the time. They looked easy enough so I decided to give this one, the farthest away from the other humans exercising, a shot. It was a real challenge.

The exercise machines at the Parque La Francia, Villa Duarte, Santo Domingo Este, Dominican Republic
My balance is not the greatest so I got on very carefully. One foot then the other.
Careful. Oh so carefully.
That machine started swaying back and forth as I grabbed onto those handles for dear life. I started laughing OUT LOUD. Saying things like “Woah Doblin” (my dad used to say that when he drove and came to a stop sometimes..lol), “Oh my” and “Shewee” while trying to make myself walk in sync on that thing. All the time laughing out loud to myself! I even got a few snort-laughs in before I even realized.
I gave up my big machine try as some other exercisers came closer. They probably thought I was “some kind of a nut” (my grandma used to say that..lol), rightfully so.

Inteliperra and Buenagente standing guard at the exercise machines at the Parque La Francia, Villa Duarte, Santo Domingo Este.
All this time my dogs, Inteliperra and Buenagente stood there. Looking around. Guarding me. Probably thinking their momma needs some mental help.
I will try again another day when there are no humans around so I can laugh at myself in private.