I know. I have been a very bad girl not posting stories on my blog. I will try really hard to remedy the situation really soon. Until then here are a few pictures of Buenagente, Inteliperra and I sitting on the stairs taken by a good friend, Frank, when he was here visiting.
My Return
>I’m coming home!!! I can’t believe it is really going to happen. I will be returning to Dominican Republic to live again. To get my life back.I am trying to find a studio or regular small apartment with electricity included in the Colonial Zone or surrounding area. It needs to be not expensive as I […]
The First Week
When I got into the country and all through customs with my dog Sniffy and a few extra boxes of belongings (I didn’t get searched, I think they just wanted me and my barking dog, who had to pee, out of the airport). I was wheeling down the ramp to my waiting friends. They both […]