He is a little hunched over For sure someone’s grandfather and I’m sure a great grandfather also Pushing a cart laden with many vivid colors Beautifully laid out Meticulously arranged Proud of his beautifully arranged veggies He had a high pitched whistle as he passed. To get the attention of his clientele. It worked! I […]
The Week of the Big Move
The final week to be in USA arrived. Everything I had left at the flea market I sold for $50. I didn’t sell my Mobil home so I abandoned it. I sold my shed I built for $1000. All my credit cards had a forwarding address. I had my accounts all in order. All bills […]
Continuing On With the Move & 9-11 Attack
When I came back home to Pennsylvania, USA from Dominican Republic after the big visit to the embassy trip I was ready to do what it took to be a Dominicana. I didn’t tell anyone right away, at least for the first few weeks. I can keep others secrets well, but my own secrets…well, there’s […]