Dinky Joins In

We love to run in the grass. Here in the city there are not many large grassy spaces. Most spaces are cement, block and brick. So when we find some grass, dirt or sand we make the best of it. One of our favorite grassy spots is at Plaza España.

Getting ready for a romp.

Getting ready for a romp.

Buena and me have a new puppy to deal with. Momma named her Dinky. We are not very friendly to invaders into our realm. This puppy showed up at our door last week. The momma has a big giant heart and she took the frightened, thin little girl into OUR house.

Buena and Teli starting a play fight.

Buena and Teli starting a play fight.

Dinky was watching from the sidewalk as Buenagente and me were really getting into a good battle.

Dinky could not wait any longer and she had to join in.

Dinky could not wait any longer and she had to join in.

As we were rough housing that little puppy just could not hold back and tried to join in. We barked and growled at her and it did not frighten her at all. Dinky just kept trying to run with us big kids.

Dinky trying to keep up with our rough housing.

Dinky trying to keep up with our rough housing.

Even though we are not really happy what Dinky is in our house we do have to give her credit for standing up to the both of us. She is holding her own.

Dinky is one brave little girl.

Dinky is one brave little girl.

Dinky is looking for her own forever home if anyone is interested please contact us and we will let you know where you can come and meet her. She would be a great dog for any good, careing and loving family. Any family except ours. Buenagente and me, Inteliperra, like our family just the way it is. We don’t eed no stinkin’ puppy. lol

This is Dinky. Would you like to have her in your family?

This is Dinky. Would you like to have her in your family?

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