In the evenings Buenagente and me like to lay on the sofa and sleep. We like to be near momma while she watches movies and tv shows on the internet. Now we have that foster puppy, Dinky, who needs to join in.
Momma made popcorn so we could enjoy the evening snack with her.
We are not that fond of another dog in the house. Momma did assure us that it is only temporary so we are trying to be nice to her. I just hope she gets adopted soon.
The look of love is in mommas eyes. When that happens you know it will be hard for her to give up Dinky. But she promised Buena and me. I will hate to see her cry when the people adopting Dinky come to take her away but it has to happen. Buena and me will be here to comfort her.
They are adorable, All dogs are adorable actually that’s why I love dogs. 🙂