Say What?! This stupid Big C (COVID-19) is affecting our lives a little bit too much. I am not happy with this at all but there is nothing this big ole Buenagente can do about it. We walked down to the Puente Flotante on a Sunday. Usually, that means we are going to my beloved […]
Walkabout Ave Malecón Los Mameyes

Walkabout to the Malecón de la Ave. España, Los Mameyes and Home (told by Inteliperra) We woke early this morning so momma said we should do a big walk-about. We were excited to see where it would take us. She also promised that we would stop for a snack so that made it even better. […]
Ducks & Friends At Pensador

Juege, Ducks & Chihuahuas at El Pensador This morning we took our walk, mostly Buenas choice, into the narrow Calles and Callejons of El Pensador, Los Mameyes in Santo Domingo Este. We like to go into the area near to the Faro a Colón. Then we go on different streets and sometimes a callejon (alley) […]
Walking Ms. Janette

So, my dear fan club … yeah, if you don’t know yet, I’m a celebrity. I have 76 fans on Facebook!!! Yeay, seventy-six! I’m sooooo trilled. And I have to apologize that I can’t hang around on there much more, but between my (still super-secret) job and all my social obligations, I just haven’t gotten […]
Sunday January 8, 2012 Walkabout
Mom and I went out for our walkabout. We never know where we are going to go. She says that it depends on my behavior how far we walk and where we go. I have her all figured out now. If I do not want to walk far I just pretend I am afraid or […]