As I always write. I love my early morning walks especially when all the friends are together. And even more especially when my best friends Buenagente and Zippy are with me.
This morning Buenagente was waiting for us outside. We greeted each other then Buena went to greet mom and we went to look for Zippy and anyone else who wanted to join in the morning romp. We always start the search at Plaza Bartolomé de las Casas.
I finally figured out how to crawl into the little tiny opening in the gate. All the other dogs do it but I never had the nerve to squeeze in there until last week. Now I do it all the time.
I go in and round-up anyone that wants to come and play. Zippy was the only one there.
So off we went.
We ended up going inside the gates of the Ruinas Hospital San Nicolas de Bari where we could run and play.
First we went to check out the water supply for when we got thirsty. We all had to take a taste and Buenagente had to tip-tie through all the Bougainvillea waiting to be planted.
Zippy, who always has to be carrying something in her mouth, found something. As usual both Buenagente and I wanted it. Zippy knows this and runs and we pursue her in a great fun chase. Uusally Buenagente gets whatever Zippy has off of her. Zippy does not care. She just looks for something else to carry around.
We always sound scarey when we run around. We make growling noises and people think we are serious fighting.
After the run we had to get a drink of water. Then we went to sit and relax a bit next to mom while we checked out the action in the parking lot next door. Zippy was too tired and she was laying down away from us protecting her new find.
First there was a noise in one direction.
Then there was a noise in the other direction.
After this we all walked back towards home.
In front of my house we ran into Pokey. Since Pokey did not get to join in the morning romp I decided to play a game with her.
I grabbed a bag that smelt good that was laying in the street. I ran with it.
Pokey and Zippy were in hot pursuit but I play keep-away really well. I ran, dodged, twisted and turned and they could not catch me.
Finally it was time to go inside so mom could work. I let my friends have the bag and off I went to home to relax while mom worked.
It was a good morning romp.