Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation is important to know for your pets as well as for their humans. Also, it is important to know how to effectively give the Heimlich Maneuver to your most loved mascot.
Remember, these are just guidelines. You need to get your pet to the Veterinarians FAST. Do CPR on the way but get the animal to a vet.
“Before performing this procedure please keep in mind that Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation is hazardous and can cause physical complications or fatal damage if performed on a healthy dog. It should only be performed when necessary.” CPR for Dogs as written on
This is a great poster from The American Red Cross to print out and keep it handy just in case you ever need the information in an emergency.

American Red Cross information on Saving a Pet With CPR
This is what the poster says
Saving Your Pet With CPR
With pets increasingly being treated like a member of the family, many owners are learning emergency techniques like CPR to keep their pets alive before bringing it to a veterinarian.
Check For Breathing And Pulse
Check pulse using middle and indez finger below the wrist, inner thigh (femoral Artery), below the ankle or where left elbow touches the chest.
Look For Other Warning Signs
Gums and lips will appear grey-colored.
Pupils will be dilated and not responsive to light.
If Not Breathing, Give Breath To Animal
Cats and small dogs – Place your mouth over its nose and mouth to blow air in.
Medium-Large dogs – Place your mouth over its nose to blow air in.
Heimlich Manuver
If breath won’t go in, airway may be blocked. Turn dog upside down, with its back against your chest. Wrap your arms around the dog and clasp your hands together just below its rib cage (since you’re holding the dog upside down, it’s above the rib cage, in the abdomen). Using both arms, give five sharp thrusts to the abdomen. Then check its mouth or airway for the object. If you see it, remove it and give two more rescue breaths.
Start Compressions If No Pulse
Lay animal on right side and place hand over ribs where its elbow touches the chest. Begin compressions. Do not give compressions if dog has pulse.
Animal Size
*Cat / Small Dog (under 30 lbs) – Compress Chest 1/2-1 inch – Compressions per breath of air – 5
*Medium / Large Dog (30 – 90 lbs) – Compress chest 1-3 inches – Compressions per breath of air – 5
*Giant Dog (over 90 lbs) – Compress chest – 1-3 inches – Compressions per breath of air – 10
Repeat Procedure
Check pulse after 1 minute and then every few minutes.
Continue giving CPR until the animal has a pulse and is breathing.
Stop CPR after 20 minutes.
This is a very good PDF file that explains in detail how to resuscitate your pet using CPR. Animal CPR Emergency Care PDF. You can download the or bookmark for emergency use.
The ASPCA says
“CPR may be necessary if you remove the object your dog is choking on, but he is still unconscious.
*First check to see if he’s breathing.
*If not, place him on his side and perform artificial respiration by extending his head and neck, holding his jaws closed and blowing into his nostrils once every three seconds. (Ensure no air escapes between your mouth and the dog’s nose.)
*If you do not feel a heartbeat, incorporate cardiac massage while administering artificial respiration—three quick, firm chest compressions for every respiration—until your dog resumes breathing on his own.”
*If there is no breathing and no pulse give CPR. Remember do not give CPR if you feel a pulse.
*Chest Compressions on a pet under 90 pounds is 5 compressions to one breath over 90 pounds is 10 chest compressions to 1 breath. *The breaths are done with the animals mouth closed and breathing into the nose in a small animal you can just cover the mouth and nose completely with your mouth.
*Breath easily with small animals and harder with large ones until you see the chest rise.
*Lay the animal with the right side down because the heart is located on the left side.
*Place the hands over the ribs where the elbow touches the chest to do compressions.
*Check for pulse after 1 minute.
*Continue giving CPR until the animal has a pulse and is breathing.
How to check for a pulse in a dog or cat
*Remember do not use your thumb to check for a pulse
*Hands low on the chest, near the elbow joint, and feel the heart beats.
*High on the inner side of the thigh is the femoral artery. Place two fingers on the middle of the thigh near where the leg joins the body. The femoral pulse can be very difficult to feel in cats.
Very good video of Veterinarian Karen Halligan, DVM, of the American Red Cross’ Los Angeles Chapter gives an in-depth tutorial on how you can safely perform animal CPR and Heimlich Maneuver in an emergency situation.
This post is approved by Teli.

This post approved by Teli, The Dominican Dog
I can’t thank you enough for this post!! I am an expert pet sitter and am continually urging my customers to be ready for crises. This is the ideal device for them.