This is Lola. My mom likes to name the dogs she likes so that they feel like they are loved and someone looks out for them. She originally called this girl Susi but yesterday we were told Lola is the name all her neighbors call her. (Update – Lola has a wonderful forever home).

Lola lives in the San Anton section of Colonial Zone
Lola has a very sad story. This is what we were told. Lola had a home of her own but her family up and moved to Barahona and left her behind. She did nothing wrong. They just did not want to take her with them when they moved. They did not think of her at all. They did not try and find her a home. One day she had someone and the next she was in the street alone. Bad, bad humans!
There was a German lady that started feeding her and making sure Lola had her vaccinations. The neighbors said they have never seen her pregnant or with puppies so maybe she is sterilized. The time came for the German lady to return to her own country. Lola was abandoned for the second time leaving her in the street. At least the neighbors make sure she has food.
Just look at her eyes. She is so sad. Look at her tail. She is so afraid. My mom sat with her and pet her. She loved being pet. She wants affection. She is very frightened and dirty. I bet she would love to have a house of her own. One where no one would abandon her again. One where she could feel safe and share all the love she has to offer with her very own humans.

Teli and Buenagente checking out Lola at Plaza San Anton.
When the man told us Lolas’ story my mom cried. I know my mom would love to take Lola into our home but we live in a small Studio Apartment and have no space or cash for another dog. Maybe you might want to give her love or know someone that would give Lola a good safe home.
She so deserves a loving family to look after all the abandonment and loss she has had in her life.