I was just settling down to do some work on the web site Saturday. I had all the facebook updates done. I had the stats checked and was just organizing what I needed to add and..wallah..out go the lights. 8:30AM no electricity and the day was already getting hot and humid. So I decided to […]
Walk-About Cross the Puente Flotante 3-17-2013
Teli and I took a Walk-About on Sunday. It has not rained for weeks but this day the skies decided to finally let loose and there was rain. We did not let that stop us. Anyhow, we were already out walking and there was no shelter as we crossed the floating bridge so what could […]
Catching Up – Sept. 2009
There’s some stuff I needed to write but not really note worthy for an entire blog so here goes. *Ended up at Colmado Vengaza and a friend joined me for my Sunday walkabout. This was his first time doing a walkabout. We ended up in Villa Consuelo where he played checkers Dominican style. He lost […]
Teeth Shooter
I was sitting in front of a Colmado at Parque San Miguel drinking a beer Sunday. Taking a little break from my Sunday walkabout. The owner is a nice guy and he invited me for a few beers. We were drinking, telling stories and having a nice ole time when a friend of his joined […]