First thanks to all for the Birthday wishes yesterday. I turned 54 on the 20th of October. It was a good day. Anyhow. My old tennis shoes have been held together with glue and lots of window silicone caulk for the last 6 months trying to get every last bit of life outta those babies. […]
playita montecino
New Dog – Tiny
On the morning dog walk today the regulars met up at the Playita Montecino. The 3 Dogeteers plus 1. There is a dog in heat at the port so the males are out in force. Blanco likes to fight with other dogs if they dare to mess with him, he is young and macho, so […]
Invasion of the Jaiba
I go to the little beach behind the statue of Montecinos almost everyday now, Playita Montecinos. My dog Teli likes to take her morning run down there. Most of the times her friends are there to play and run with her. It is a joy just watching the “kids” romp and play and enjoy their […]
All the Stairs For My Teli
I have been a bad blogger. Ignoring my blog and not sharing my stories. I think almost everyday that I should write about something but then the creative juices just do not seem to low when I see the white page waiting for my words. So I will try today to write a little story. […]