I always try to go away for my sons, Billy Jay, birthday every year. I try to be close to water because his ashes are in the lake where we lived and since I can’t go to the lake in Pennsylvania I have to be near water here. I was not going to go anywhere […]
billy jay
Happy Birthday Billy Jay 29
Today would have been my son Billy Jay Keys birthday. He would have been 29 this year. He was and still is the best gift I ever received. To read more about my Billy Jay read my post A Mothers Worst Nightmare To see the pictures of Billy Jays short life on Flickr. HAPPY BIRTHDAY […]
A Mothers Worst Nightmare

October 25th, 2003. This day 3 years ago was one of the worst days of my life. The death of my son, my baby boy, Billy Jay. He was 23 years old. I guess he will always be 23 years old now. No matter how many birthdays pass. Billy Jay always had problems, issues as […]
Continuing On With the Move & 9-11 Attack
When I came back home to Pennsylvania, USA from Dominican Republic after the big visit to the embassy trip I was ready to do what it took to be a Dominicana. I didn’t tell anyone right away, at least for the first few weeks. I can keep others secrets well, but my own secrets…well, there’s […]