Sunday Walkabout To The Palacio Nacional When we were getting ready to head out for Sunday walkabout I told Buenagente and Inteliperrs that we had to go to Barrio Chino because I needed to get some chili peppers to make hot sauce. That’s the only plan I had for the walk. We ended up walking […]
barrio chino
Walkabout To Parque Enriquillo
The Dominican Dogs and I decided to take a walkabout to the Parque Enriquillo. We never walked there before so I thought it would be a nice little adventure. Buenagente loved it, as usual, he loves the streets. Inteliperra just wanted to go home. There was just too much chaos in the streets for her. […]
Saturday Is Not Sunday
I know that Saturday is not Sunday but a few Saturdays ago my brain thought it was Sunday. It took me a while to realize I had the wrong day. Definitely a full brain fail on my part when all I wanted was some chili peppers. That’s all, I just wanted to buy a few […]