At least a few times a day Teli beckons me to get off my butt at the computer. She wants me to stop working and look out the window with her. She stands at her perch and stares at me until I get up and go to the window with her. We sit there and […]
Santa Claus and His Childrens Chorus
Relaxing in the house then what into my resting ears did enter but a chorus of children singing in tune. I jumped up from me rest with my camera in hand. Opened the window and stuck out the camera. What to my wondering eyes did appear but a big fat Santa in a horse drawn […]
A Hazy Sunday in January
I wrote a post but something happened and it just disappeared. I have no idea where it went and, of course, I can’t remember all that I wrote. So I am just going to put up the pictures I took out my window today and maybe another day I will write about whatever it was […]
View From My Baclony – Another Wreck
>Do you ever wonder why there are such things as STOP signs?Here in Dominican Republic they are called PARE.You can see them on most streets.Yet it seems that no one pays much attention to these important life saving pieces of metal.Friday night, coming home from listening to some Palos music.Getting ready for a nice nights, […]