Buenagente and Inteliperra and I love going to the Faro at Punta Torrecilla in the morning. The views are spectacular and it is usually quiet. The dogs love sniffing around and I love listening to the waves of the Caribbean crashing on the coral cliffs. But this morning we had a real “Oh My” moment.
We went early in the morning and, as usual, I was taking pictures and enjoying the area. The Caribbean was a beautiful turquoise and the sea was fairly calm.
Teli was posing perfectly in front of the lighthouse and I couldn’t resist a picture. As soon as I clicked the picture a female voice yelled from the bushes behind the Faro.
A female voice yelled (excuse the bad word) “¡Singando!”
I was not in the Spanish speaking mode in my head yet so I yelled “I don’t understand (in Spanish)”
She yelled again “¡Singar! ¡Singar!”
The word finally got understood by my old brain. She was yelling for me not to come near. She was in the shrubs having SEX!
The dogs and I turned and walked away, not looking back once. I was laughing to myself out loud. I interrupted her and whoever while they were having some nookie (that is what my grandma, Maw, always called it).
We were out by Avenida España when a little scooter came buzzing from behind us. Mounted on the motorbike were a man in helmet and the passenger was a lady in a bright pink skin-tight dress.
I waved and smiled as they passed by.
*Note – The Faro Punta Torrecilla is also known as Faro San Souci and Parque – Faro la Marina.
More Dominicanismos and slang – Dominican Dictionary.