The dogs were waiting patiently for Teli and I to come outside so they could join us for the morning fun time. This is something they love. Its so cute that they wait in the street for Teli and I to come outside.
This morning I got to take the kids to Fortaleza Ozama. They will not permit us to go inside much these days but today was an exception. Teli, Buenagente and Zippy had a great time running free in the grass. I had a great time watching them enjoy their morning romp. I just wish we could go inside more often and I am sure the kids wish this as well.
While I was inside the fort today I saw a circle made in the sand. Looking closer the circle contained the remains of a big Palmetto Bug, Cock Roach, Cucaracha, whatever you want to call it. The ants dining did not care what I called their breakfast. They were enjoying their breakfast and we have 1 less roach to battle.
I found it very interesting that they made a circle around the Cockroach with the sand. They made him his special shallow grave. How thoughtful of them to think of this as they made a smorgasbord out of the roach.