>Present time first:
I have been working on the web site everyday for hours and hours. I still have so much more I need to add and fix and change. It’s a neverending piece of work. I never realized that making a web site with good info was so time consuming. In a few days I will have had the web site on line for 1 year. When I look at all the time I spent working on it and writing all the text and researching for unique things to add. And I only have about 130 pages! Seems like there should be so many more. Oh..I have been working on a map of the Colonial Zone. Check it out!
Oh well, what is this old Gringa to do? If things go as planned I’ll be returning to DR soon and will have a partner so there can be much more good stuff added to a web site to make it so informative that when you want to go to the Colonial Zone area of Dominican Republic you will not need to look any further than the my web site. And when people get to the Zone they will want to call me to give them my famous Colmado – Presidente tasting tour of the Colonial Zone!
The past:
I returned back to Dominican Republic. I was happy to get back home. I wanted to see my dog, Sniffy. I really missed her. I needed a hug from her. She was such a good hugger.
My X-Boyfriend, good friend forever, picked me up at the airport. We dropped of my luggage and he drove me up to the Galeria and dropped me off. I had to get my Sniffy and see Mamita and Jimmy.
Sniffy stayed at the Galeria all week. She had to sleep on the back patio, which she was not used to. She never was chained outside or had to sleep outside without her mommy. They had to make the place so there wasn’t anything she could run into or hurt herself on(since she was blind and didn’t know that area). In the day Jimmy took her into the office and she sat with him. But at night she was all alone.
I was so excited to see her. When I walked in I didn’t speak. Mamita was telling me to whisper. We wanted to see if Sniffy would know I was there. I walked to the back of the Galeria to the office area. She was laying down next to Jimmy. I walked softly toward her. She lifted her head and came at me! Se started crying. Loud! She was yelling at me the way she always does when I leave her, even if it is for a few minutes. She had to jump around, kissing me. Barking a little also. I sure missed my Sniffy when I was away.
It seemed that she missed me also. Mamita said the neighbors told her that at night Sniffy spent the night howling. Like a Wolf they said. I soft, mournful, howl. With a wailing sound mixed in. They were happy when I returned and took her home.
She loves walking around the Zone. People know her name more than they know mine. If I don’t have her when I take a walk at least a few people ask me where is my dog. Noone ever asks where I was if they didn’t see me for a few days. Only where is my dog! LOL!
When I was leaving the Galeria to take Sniffy home many people did ask me that day how I was. News spreads fast in the Colonial Zone. Even though it is a tourist town it is still a small community. The neighbors are people that have lived there, many for years and some for generations seems that everyone knows everyone. I never lived in a city or neighborhood where everyone knew everyone so this was new to me. Anyhow…It seemed that most people knew about my son dying. Even if they did not know him they were all so nice to me.
One of my good friend neighbors, Cesar (the Chimmi guy) and his wife Clau, gave me flowers every Sunday for about 2 months. I love my neighborhood. Even though I don’t live there anymore I still love that place. I hope, when I return, that I can find a place to live in the same area. It is my home and I’m comfortable there.