Boxer Shorts Man Last Day

I’m finally understanding this web page making..a little. I change the format of the page. The other was too cluttered and took to long to load. I put too many gizmos on it.

Now I’m trying to find info for the site. If anyone has anything to add. Places you like or have a little review on please let me know.

The Boxer Shorts Man – The Last Day

In front of the gallery.

Sniffy, my dog, left her mark

A small pile of her best.

If you know what I mean.

The Boxer Shorts Man was passing by.

My friends and I were laughing.

Going for paper to clean it up.

He pulled out of his pocket a paper towel.

Stooped over and picked up the small pile.

Took it to the dumpster

Returned with more paper to clean the sidewalk.

We kept telling him he did not have to do this.

But he was so happy to help.

He likes Sniffy.

We gave him a towel to wash his hands.

He was talking jumbled words.

Had a big smile on his face.

He wasn’t wearing boxer shorts that day.

We thanked him as he walked away.

He kept turning around and waving.

So happy to have helped.

I felt good that he was happy.

He disappeared in the distance.

As he walked up the sidewalk.

This was the last time I ever saw him.

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