My human friend, Luis, loves to give me treats. He now shares his treats with Buenagente too. We love our salami dog treats! He gets about 10 or 20 pesos of salami at the Colmado. He cuts it up in little pieces and I wait patiently for him because I know whats coming. Buenagente is […]
Sunday January 8, 2012 Walkabout
Mom and I went out for our walkabout. We never know where we are going to go. She says that it depends on my behavior how far we walk and where we go. I have her all figured out now. If I do not want to walk far I just pretend I am afraid or […]
My Tricks Video #1
I was in a really good mood this afternoon so my mom said we could make a video. I got so excited that I could not listen to her commands very well. I was just bounding with joy that I was getting my first video. Then when I made mom laugh so hard by being […]