I finally got to go to Palenque Beach. This is mommas favorite beach that is close to the city. Now I know why. A friend of my mommas, Craig, whose dog Shadow just had her operation so she would not have any babies offered to take us in his truck. My mom was so excited. […]
My Friend Shadow Got Neutered
A friend of my mom contacted her because his baby Shadow was attracting too many boys and he wanted to make it easier on her and get her neutered. My mom knew Shadow when she was just a baby and loves to help when she can. He decided to take Shadow to the Universidad Nacional […]
To Boca Chica!
Mom has been wanting to take me to the beach but it is not easy getting anywhere when she does not have a car and the stupid guaguas do not permit dogs. Don’t they know I am a very special dog!? Anyhow, my friend said he would take us in his taxi. We picked up […]
Walk-About March 25, 2012
I love my Sunday Walk-Abouts. Mom gets her stuff done in the house early and we hit the streets around 11 or 12. She always tells me I can pick the direction. I always head down the same roads and go to the same places. I am a doggie of habit. So she has to […]
Are Dogs Like Babies?
My mom told me about this article on CesarsWay.com, The Dog Whisperer, she read today. “A new study from Current Biology in Hungary completed a study that shows dogs respond to eye contact and verbal and nonverbal cues from humans similarly to human children in the two-year-old range who haven’t started talking. The study helps […]