We were walking around and we were just in time to see them take the flag down at the National Mausoleum called the Panteón Nacional and in English The National Pantheon. This is the place where all the Dominican Republic important people are interred. I am not permitted to enter there but it is OK. […]
Fortaleza San Jose – Moms Park
We walked down to the park my mom calls HER Park. Parque San José. Here are what remains of the San Jose Fort. I liked walking up the ramp and looking over the edge. I was teasing my mom pretending I was going to jump. lol! Anyhow, my mom used to live in front of […]
My Park and the Eyes Across the Street
Almost everyday my mom and I walk to this park called Plaza Pellerano Castro. It is a nice quiet park with lots of places to sit and relax. The park is named after some poet guy that lived a long time ago. My mom said his statue used to be on the pedestal there but […]
Watching the Tourists
I love watching people when they are not watching me. Just relaxing and observing. Maybe those tourists might notice me and not be afraid and give me a pat on the head. Or, even better, they might have some yummy type of food that I do not get at home and slip it to me […]
The Antique Flea Market
I was walking around Colonial Zone with my mom on Sunday. My mom calls it her Walk-About and she told me that my sister, Sniffy, whom I never met, loved to do the long walks on Sundays. So if the sister liked it I have to at least give it the ole Inteliperra try. I […]