Inteliperra and I took momma out for our evening walk. As soon as we exited the driveway the rain came down. Momma took us to the corner but the rain got harder. Teli got in a pee and we headed for home FAST! Momma opened the front gate and we went inside. Teli wanted to […]
Author: Buenagente
Taking My Covid-19 Temp

Momma and I went on a walkabout, ending at the grocery store Aprezio. We ended up at the grocery store where I got my Covid-19 temperature taken. Inteliperra stayed home so we could have some quality time together. Sometimes when just me and my momma walk she lets me lead the way. I can take […]
A Few Faro Colón Pictures
I wanted to share a few pictures with all my fans. This is Inteliperra and me, Buenagente, at the Faro a Colón a few days ago. We like it at the Columbus Lighthouse when we can roam around free. We can smell what we want and just enjoy some freedom. Funny Gifts For Dogs and […]
Say What?! Can’t Take Long Romps
Say What?! This stupid Big C (COVID-19) is affecting our lives a little bit too much. I am not happy with this at all but there is nothing this big ole Buenagente can do about it. We walked down to the Puente Flotante on a Sunday. Usually, that means we are going to my beloved […]
Pickin’ A Bone

Almost every day after morning walkabout momma gives Inteliperra and me a nice juicy raw bone. Sometimes the bone is nice and bloody. Sometimes it is a marrow bone where we have to work to get out the goodies inside the hard bone. Other times it is a white bone that is soft to chew […]