Inteliperra and I took momma out for our evening walk. As soon as we exited the driveway the rain came down. Momma took us to the corner but the rain got harder. Teli got in a pee and we headed for home FAST!
Momma opened the front gate and we went inside. Teli wanted to go back into the apartment. I wanted to wait out the rain and get back to my walk and take care of business..wink..wink.
We waited.
I watched.
Teli wanted to go into the apartment. She had enough. Momma let her in and she went right for the bed to roll around and dry off.
Momma and I went back out after the rain stopped and continued our walk even though we just stayed on our side of Av. España and did not walk far.
There is a hurricane coming our way. I just hate that. Too much rain. I don’t like the thunder and lightning. I’m a big tough guy but am a shivering baby when it comes to loud booms. Let’s hope Hurricane Gonzolo goes away and lets us be. Here are some helpful things to think of during a hurricane for your pets. Dog Care For Hurricane Season