Buenagente and Inteliperra, synchronize chewing, enjoying their bones on the "bloody towel".

Pickin’ A Bone

Almost every day after morning walkabout momma gives Inteliperra and me a nice juicy raw bone. Sometimes the bone is nice and bloody. Sometimes it is a marrow bone where we have to work to get out the goodies inside the hard bone. Other times it is a white bone that is soft to chew that I can eat entirely.

One thing momma insists on is that we eat our bones on our “bloody towels”. They are special towels designated for bone chewing because momma does not like blood and bone debris on the sofa or bed. It does not bother me at all but since momma is a human I guess the good strong-smelling bone juice is nasty to her. Humans…go figure.

Buenagente and Inteliperra, synchronize chewing, enjoying their bones on the "bloody towel".

Buenagente and Inteliperra, synchronize chewing, enjoying their bones on the “bloody towel”.

Sometimes momma lets us pick our own bones from the collection.

Inteliperra choosing her bone for the day.

Inteliperra choosing her bone for the day.

Teli who is fat and always hungry hurriedly grabs a bone without thinking. She’s such a pig sometimes.

Buenagente picking the bone he wants to chew on.

Buenagente picking the bone he wants to chew on.

Me, I like to take my time. I look at all my options. I then sniff each bone. Sometimes I give my options a little lick. I have to make a wise choice for my morning bone chewing.

Once I make my choice I can enjoy my selection knowing I made the best choice for me on this day.

Thanks for the bones momma!

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