Juege, Ducks & Chihuahuas at El Pensador
This morning we took our walk, mostly Buenas choice, into the narrow Calles and Callejons of El Pensador, Los Mameyes in Santo Domingo Este.
We like to go into the area near to the Faro a Colón. Then we go on different streets and sometimes a callejon (alley) or 2. We only made 1 wrong turn today and ended up at a dead end. Momma had to ask a lady sitting on her porch which alley led out and she pointed the way. This happens a lot to us but it’s no big deal.
Today we ran into our overly rambunctious street dog friend Juege. She is a very happy and playful (thus her name Juegeton / Player) street dog. Juege loves us and our treats that momma shares with her. We put up with her. We are not as playful as when we were younger and these young pups sometimes annoy us.
Juege went with us at the beginning of the walk but when we left her area she stopped and returned to the park. We continued on. We wanted to see the ducks.
When we got to the duck street they were out taking a walk. It is strange seeing ducks walking about in the street. We always see chickens but not many ducks here in the city.
Our friend Chihuahua spotted us and came running. We like him. He likes to smell Buenagentes butt. He never bothers with my butt. Buena likes him and never tries to attack him. They have a strange friendship.
Then we headed to the Colmado that sells all the veggies. At first, the owner did not want us near but now he lets us stand on the sidewalk where momma tells the guy what she wants and he brings it outside. The owner even smiles at us now. You cannot hate the Dominican Dogs for long..jejej
Then we walked past the Shoe Man and his friends. The little Chihuahua with the tutu was there with her dad. We said hi and headed on home.
It was a good morning walk.