Teli is just so sleepy

Inteliperra Is Sick

Teli got a cough a few weeks ago. We are not sure if it is the flu, gripe or Kennel Cough. She got antibiotics and the cough just kept getting worse. She went to the vet, Dr. Brache, yesterday and he said she has a respiratory infection. He gave her some medicine and some antibiotics.

We pray this helps her because coughing and gagging is just getting worse and worse. I have been keeping her in the bed (sometimes she likes to sleep under the table at the side of the bed) so I can watch over her at night. It is keeping her, Buenagente and me from sleeping at night.

She will feel better soon we are sure. She heeds to get back to her happy self soon. We love you Teli! (Momma wrote this because Teli just is not in the mood to write a blog post).

Inteliperra Is Sick

Inteliperra is not feeling good. She has had a cough for a few weeks and it turned into a respiratory infection. She is taking medicine, coughing, gagging and is so tired because of the all night coughing. Poor little girl. She should be feeling better in a few days, we pray.

Posted by Inteliperra on Saturday, June 23, 2018

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