Buenagente decided he wanted to visit Carnival Avenida España on Sunday. Buena loves people and action so he fit right in.
Here are a few pictures of Buenagente visiting Carnival. Momma did not take lots of pictures as she had her camera stolen a few times in big crowds in the past so she did not want to take a chance this year.
People kept moving out of the way. They were afraid of a sweet dog. There were a few other dogs walking around loose but Buena with a harness, on a leash and with momma makes people move.
Buena sat on the bench to take a time out and observe the crazy humans. The Carnaval group Los Recicladores Orientals were preparing to march.
It was a good day. Buenagente sure did enjoy his day at Carnaval.
When Buena returned home after his Carnival tour he was so tired he went right to bed.
Here is some history and information about how Dominicans Celebrate Carnival. https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/traditions-carnival.html