Some poor, poor human seemed to have lost their teeth. We dogs found these laying at the Ruinas del Monasterio de San Francisco.
In my opinion these teeth are sort of ugly. Dog teeth are so much prettier don’t you think?
I had to call the gang over to look. Buenagente came by for a second. He was busy doing other Buenagente stuff and was not very interested in my find.
Beza came by to check them out. She did a close inspection while Buenagente, Julio, Amarillo, Lady and me were doing our things, whatever that may be.
Finally the old man, Julio, moseyed over to get his photo-opt and get a closer look at those strange human teeth just sitting on that rock.
Julio and me watched the sun coming up as it brightening the sky over the Ruinas del Monasterio de San Francisco. Mom said it was time to get home. It was a good morning.
Those might be an archaeological find. They do not look like modern dental work. Too bad there is so little preservation effort here – their historical significance may never be known.
I think they were just a cast that was used to make an implant or false teeth. Someone did put some cement on the top of them for some unknown reason.
I am Telis mom and I have found many sherds of pottery, I know some are very very old, at the Ruinas and other places throughout the Zone. I have them in my possession. Also I have seen some of what is under the ground at the Ruinas where the old cemetery is. I have pictures in this slide show