Foxy Lady!

I am Foxy Lady, the cute little heart breaker

I am Foxy Lady, the cute little heart breaker

Hey all! The name is Foxy, Foxy Lady, and I know I’m a cute little heart breaker.

I’m so thankful there are still some cool humans out there. This guy helped me out, I was being abused and eventually neglected by some silly people, and then…then this guy came along.

He picked me up from a parking lot, where I was looking for shelter, took me to the vet (oooh I loved the vet…they even rubbed me with some coconut oil!), and finally brought me to his place and played me some Hendrix.

The kid has been feeding me, bathing me, taking me out for sunset walks and sharing his house with me.

He says that I’m all good now and he wants to find me a new home so he can help out other dogs in need, but I know he’s bluffing. He can’t live with out me now.



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